MMI is a bespoke shopfitting and cabinetmaking business with a focus on producing fine, quality furniture, cabinets, counters and fixtures. With an emphasis on exquisite craftsmanship and exquisite finishes, our experienced team of professionals are dedicated to ensuring that each project meets the highest standards of excellence.

Whether you are renovating an existing space or building something new, MMI offers innovative design solutions combined with exceptional service. Each project is approached as a collaboration between client and craftspeople ensuring that each piece fits seamlessly into your desired outcome.

For MMI, quality workmanship matters – we strive to exceed expectations while offering competitive pricing and delivery on time, every time. Our ultimate goal is to make sure that you are delighted with your custom-made creations and look forward to many years of satisfaction.

Our shop-fitters have completed many successful projects throughout New Zealand in various sectors including commercial, retail, hospitality and residential. Regardless of size or scale, we take special care to ensure that every job is treated with the same attention to detail. We believe that each piece we create should be not only beautiful but also functional and durable. Our mission is to deliver the perfect balance of design, quality and function.

Our Mission

To create unique, high-quality fit-out solutions in partnership with like-minded kiwis.

Our Teams

At MMI, our team is committed to excellence. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, our clients can be confident they will receive the highest level of output.